The Corrias grinder of 1871
The production in Santu Lussurgiu of small grinders made of iron, even though minor in comparison to the production of implements for agriculture and zootechny, was widespread. In addition to the grinders shown here, which were made by Francesco Corrias in 1871, we have definitive proof of two more Lussurgese iron masters who listed this appliance for domestic use in their catologues. The Pinna and Firinu families, both of Santu Lussurgiu, were metalsmiths for at least two generations. We have found and photographed their grinders and will present them in these pages in the coming weeks.
The cylindrical grinder’s main body has a length of 156 mm and a diameter of 50 mm. Made of sheet iron, it has a brazed dovetail joint that runs its entire length. The filler metal used in the brazing is clearly brass. The external surface of the main cylinder is faceted longetudinally and has incised horizonal bands near the top and bottom. Inside the main body of the grinder there is another container cylinder, 65 mm tall, that fits perfectly inside the main body.
The internal surface is smooth, from which one can deduce that the entire external surface was finished with a thorough polish. The gear shows distinct signs of forging. It lodges together with the grinding wheel in the fixed cylinder, attached by four lateral screws. The projection to which the handle is attached demonstrates fine workmanship by the engraver’s burin. Patterned heads of grain, a decoration recurrent in the creations of local artisans, was a symbol of prosperity. The curving handle, measuring 123 mm, has a quadrangular hole at one end by which it is easily attached to and removed from the grinding mechanism.
This handle has a joint in the middle which allows it to be folded and stored in the inner container cylinder. Its flat surfaces are decorated with incisions depicting heads of grain, and the end is fitted with a revolving knob of wood. The inscription in cursive handwriting indicates the year of fabrication and the artisan: FRANCESCO CORRIAS 1871 It is supposed, judging by its dimensions, that this grinder was used for pepper.
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